发布时间:2022-12-07 19:51:49作者:金刚经全文网佛经就是佛陀的教言,就是佛陀所证悟的真理,其中蕴含了十方三世一切诸佛的甚深智慧。佛经里的字字句句都具有极大的功德利益,都能给众生带来无量的福德和智慧;佛经中的每一偈、每一句都是成佛的正因,哪怕是只言片语,我们只要认真如法地读诵受持,必会受益无穷。
Sūtra (discourse) is the teachings of the Buddha, which is the truth of the enlightenment of the Buddha. The Sūtras contain the profound wisdom of all the Buddhas of the ten directions in the three times -past, present and future. Every word and sentence in the Buddhist Sūtras has a great benefit and virtue, and they can bring a great amount of blessed merit (pu?ya) and wisdom to all sentient beings. Every verse (gāthā) and sentence in Sūtras is a cause leading to the enlightenment. Even if it contains only just a few words, we will benefit immensely by reading the Sūtra and practice in the right way.